Danida is Denmark’s development cooperation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. We at Swienty Commodities see our Danida project as a chance to promote sustainable growth and employment through beekeeping in developing countries, while at the same time building long-term business relations with our partners and having the opportunity to open up entirely new markets for us and for our customers.
“Private business activity, investment and innovation are major drivers of productivity, inclusive economic growth and job creation” (Addis Ababa Action Agenda)
Danida supports strategic partnerships where partners use their core competencies to create value together. Here, Swienty Commodities can contribute with our broad knowledge on both the honey value chain, quality criteria for honey and the extensive network and know-how that Swienty A/S has developed over three decades of being in the beekeeping business.
A DANIDA project starts with an innovative business idea that supports local development and contributes to promoting the Sustainable Development Goal of local economic growth and employment. Another condition for starting a project is that all partners are committed to responsible business conduct. This means that Swienty Commodities integrates human rights, labour rights, environment and anti-corruption concerns into operations and core strategies. All partnerships analyse, present and actively work with promoting responsible business conduct in the preparation and implementation of the project.
The projects focus on local key development challenges. They drive local economic activity, market development and business opportunities leading to employment and income opportunities in the partner country. They have the potential to bring transformational change, that reach beyond philanthropic or commercial partnerships or partnerships built on more limited exchange of good and services.
On this page you can find an overview of our Danida project:
DANIDA project in Uganda
Market-Oriented Rural Enterprise for Honey (MORE-HONEY) in Uganda
MORE-HONEY promotes the development of a fair honey value chain in one of the poorest regions of Uganda. With this project, our partners and us aim to contribute to local economic growth and employment by increasing incomes for 2,000 smallholder farmers. They will benefit from increased skills, as well as access to reliable and profitable markets.
More specifically, the project is promoting technological innovation in the value chain, creating decent work opportunities for women and men and supporting income increase for smallholder farmers, including young people. It also contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 1 (Ending poverty) by increasing household income for poor farmers, and to Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) by promoting the economic independence of women. The project will promote local economic development through Golden Bees Ltd, Swienty Commodities’ and Kahlwax’s objectives of increasing the quantity, quality and traceability of honey and beeswax sourced from Uganda.
MORE-Honey works with 2,000 poor farmers, including 200 refugees, in four districts in the East Acholi and Northern Karamoja sub regions in Northern Uganda. Poverty rates in these areas are among the highest in Uganda, and over 50% in all districts, versus a national average of 19.7%. Low female control and decision-making power over resources at household level, and inadequate knowledge and skills in the use of nutritious foods contribute to poverty and malnutrition. Years of civil unrest have destroyed and limited investment in basic infrastructure creating an influx of refugees. Developing sustainable economic activities in this region, in particular by supporting conflict-affected producers to upgrade their farms, upscale their activities and link to urban, regional or international markets, creates employment and improve rural livelihoods.